Book Cover

Assalamu Alaikum | Peace Be Upon You

Hi there,

Welcome and thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read this post.

As this is my first ever blog post, I will begin with introducing who I am. 

My name is Mariam Latifi and I am an Australian-Afghan-Muslim who loves to make a difference to the world I live in. 

I was born in Afghanistan and raised in Australia. I am a wife and a mother to three young girls (5, 3, 1). I am blessed with the most beautiful parents and an amazing family. 

I am absolutely passionate about education and love teaching children from all ages. Graduating from the University of Sydney and working as a primary classroom teacher and as well as an English as an Additional Language/ Dialect educator, I love to inspire and empower students and promote their love for learning. 

After being blessed with my little ones, I was passionate to continue my postgraduate studies and pursue my Masters. I can definitely say it is not easy to study when you have kids but I cannot believe I am towards the completion of my Masters through Monash University. 

As we all have battled this global pandemic in one way or another, in Australia, we are now fortunate enough to be from this lockdown and my heart goes to all those suffering or have suffered from COVID. We all go through struggles in life, and being in lockdown is not easy. Using my time and reflecting on life, I was  inspired by my beautiful girls to write this book. I wanted them to be proud of their identity and who they are.  Growing up as a Muslim and meeting a range of people, whether it was at school, university, workplace, or in the community, I was inspired to write a book that values diversity and promotes religious awareness and tolerance. 

I always believed in making the world a better place but never thought I would one day be writing my own book whilst having kids, working as a teacher, pursuing a higher educational degree, volunteering with the community but it all just happens by the will of Allah swt!

As a member of the Australian Society of Authors, I am excited to begin my journey into the author world. I look forward to sharing this journey with you all. So follow along and be part of it. I hope one day you are inspired to inspire someone else 🙂

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